Okay then. So sitcom suggestions for Davie:
Peep Show - I missed the first couple of series as I found the situation where the sensitive one was getting bullied by school children a bit too close to my own life to be funny, but having given it a second chance, I realise that this is the funniest British sitcom in years.
The IT Crowd - Even if it hadn't been funny I would have forced myself to laugh at this and pretend to enjoy it, as it's written by one of the blokeys who wrote Father Ted. But it turns out that it's funny enough to not need my charity.
Curb Your Enthusiasm - Davie actually has series one on DVD. I can't believe he's blatantly complaining about having no comedy to watch when the disks are sitting unwatched in his DVD cabinet. Davie - your wife bought you those! Show a little gratitude and watch it!
The Office (American version) - I don't know whether it's really uncool to like this, but I do. Obviously it's not the Ricky Gervais one, but it has its moments. Currently being shown early on a Sunday morning on ITV2. Not really sure about ITV's programming strategy here.
Entourage - Not sure whether this is a sitcom or not. I don't laugh at it that much, but it's very entertaining, and it's done by HBO, so it's probably cool or something. Currently being shown early on a Sunday morning on ITV2. Not really sure about ITV's programming strategy here.
My Family - Oh Robert Lindsay, you've done it again! First Citizen Smith, then that thing about a boxer with the dreadful theme tune, and now My Family. Bravo Mr Lindsay, bravo!
With the Apprentice returning on Wednesday, it's only right to reintroduce the Mickey and Davie's TV Rant Guess Who Will Win The Apprentice Based Purely On The Publicity Photo competition. There are no prizes, so don't phone in, but everyone is welcome to have a go.
So I think this year it's time for a lady to win, and this one looks extremely competent. Oh yes.

The one under the green arrow. She's my tip.
Davie, care to take a guess?