Isn't it great that Easter's almost here?
Isn't it, though?
Really, isn't it?
It's great, of course, because we have the annual laugh-a-thon which is the Cadbury Creme Egg advert.
This year, they've done something rather clever. Rather than make a new set of adverts, they've just used the adverts from last year. I found last year's adverts so funny that I would have gone straight round to Cadbury HQ and punched their Marketing Director in the face (seriously, right in the face) had they not allowed me a few more chances to enjoy the hilarity of the great British eccentric singing a song about how they love their Cadbury Creme Egg to the tune of a popped up My Way.
I remember a few years ago when they stopped the "How Do You Eat Yours?" style of advert (which involved, as I recall, someone doing a hugely accomplished Austin Powers impression while explaining how they enjoyed eating two creme eggs rather than the traditional one), I got in my car, drove to Bournville, and found the Marketing Director. I was about to punch him in the face (seriously, right in the face) when he distracted me by showing the new advert.
"Eeh, look at the woman, with a judge's wig on, eeh, she's not a judge after all, she's a cleaner and she's eating a creme egg in a specific way!" I squealed with delight. "And she and her friend are singing about it!"
"And look, a jolly lumberjack or something. Maybe he's chopping his creme egg in half with his axe, and perhaps giving half to his wife, I can't remember!" I yelped. "And he's singing about his enjoyment of the creme egg also. And it's all to the tune of My Way, except all popped up!!"
Oh yes, how happy I am when I watch that advert. I enjoy watching the many many different ways people eat creme eggs. Whether they're eating it by having the chocolate first, the fondant first or a mixture of the two, each way is so very different to the other.
Because after all, that is exactly what is unique about the creme egg. It is its defining characteristic, the ability to eat it in many many different ways. Why else would you buy a creme egg? For the chocolate? Don't be stupid. For the sweet fondant centre? You're a fool. Because it is the confectionary item that one can be most versatile with in the method of its consumption? Damn right!
Do you know what they should do? Do you? They should release the Cadbury Creme Egg song (the popped up version of My Way with the creme egg related lyric) as a single. In the same way that Dancin' In The Moonlight enjoyed success following Jamie Oliver's hungover advert, perhaps this amusing song celebrating the creme egg would be Top of the Pops. After all, it's such a great song that Cadbury thought that I would enjoy it being blared into my living room every commercial break, I can't see why they wouldn't think it will do well in the hit parade.
Last night, while I was watching the television, the following programmes were on:
- The Gadget Show (I'm trying to move. I'm not sure about my budget going forward. I'm not going to buy a gadget for a number of months. I don't enjoy the banter between the presenters. Their reviews are poor. I keep falling asleep during the programme. I managed to stop watching Castaway, so why do I persist with this rubbish?)
- The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
- The Trap: What Happened To Our Dreams Of Freedom (From Sunday. Yes, that's right. A thought-provoking documentary. I don't just watch cricket, sad sci-fi, "worthy" comedy and reality television. I have hidden depths.)
- Heroes (Made slightly annoying as the sound kept cutting out for fractions of seconds throughout. Like my life isn't bad enough already.)
- Prison Break (It was good.)
Mickey and Davie's TV Rant regulars will notice that Davie hasn't posted for a few days. That's because he's away in Rome for the week with Mrs Davie. I'm sure that at this very minute he's making his way to an internet cafe to post some insightful comments about the state of Italian television. In the meantime, the light-green one is Davie's tip (based purely on appearance remember) for the winner of the Apprentice.

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