So I was very excited last week when it finally started on BBC Two. I sat down to watch with my hosts for the night, Davie and Mrs Davie, and was disturbed at how long it took to get going. There were all these scenes that were supposedly introducing characters but were fairly irrelevant. Hurry up with the scene about the mother shoplifting - it's not important. Show the flying man! Nikki's conversation with her redheaded friend was just timewasting, like a midseason episode of Lost. I wanted to see her get violent with Lindeman's thugs.
So, by the end of the first episode, Mrs Davie was asleep and I now fear for my reputation as being an excellent judge of television series. This was going to be the stepping stone I used to persuade people to watch Battlestar Galactica. Now my plans are in tatters.
I was pleased to read however that Zachary Quinto, who played Adam in day three of 24, and plays Sylar in Heroes is going to play young Spock in the new Star Trek film. I only pray that the other casting rumours surrounding the film have been made up by an overenthusiastic publicist.
Robbie Williams as Kirk? It's utter stupidity. While we're at it we'll have Cheryl Tweedy play a young Ambassador Delenn in the big screen reimagining of Babylon 5, and I don't know, Buster Bloodvessel to play a young Jean-Luc Picard. Robbie Williams. I'm embarrassed.
Over the last week or so, the things I've watched of minor interest are:
- Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - It's a little too aware of how clever it is, but I still liked it.
- The Shield - Best show on television. Friday's episode was particularly grim. If you haven't seen it, do not start watching it now. We're midway through the final series. This isn't like your CSI's where you can watch any episode. Get the DVD boxed sets. I've got season one if you want to borrow it, although I might have leant it to a friend of Friend of Mickey and Davie's TV Rant GP. I'm not sure. All my stuff is in storage so I can't check.
So I still haven't moved. It was supposed to happen on Friday but it didn't. I was furious. I've now been homeless for three weeks and cable/Sky-less for a month. The very thought of what I'm going through makes my heart bleed for myself.