Tuesday, 20 November 2007

November and finally he has invested

It is indeed November Michael and last night finally saw the great entrepreneur Duncan Bannatyne finally invest on Dragons Den. Regular viewers of the BBC programme will be aware that Duncan last invested in an idea presented on the programme back in the early 1980's and has since seemed to make it his personal mission to be the first Dragon to say he has no interest in the idea or the person in front of him. In some ways I guess he had to go down this route as Peter Jones has already grabbed the mantle of "dragon with the great one line put downs". So it was really dramatic TV to see that he finally invested in someone last night. Now don't worry he has not gone completely mad and and he made sure he went 50:50 with new boy James Caan. James was desperate to invest in something and I think Duncan felt a bit sorry for him. The only problem was they have invested in one of the worst ideas ever to appear on the show(a website to order you takeaway from - you know rather than pick up the phone and actually talk) which was presented by an Aussie who is clearly going to do a runner with the cash leaving his very sweaty and very nervous partner to deal with the two irate dragons. I think Duncan will have the last laugh however. The money he has in front of him on his little table has been there for so long it may no longer be legal tender.

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