Monday, 2 April 2007

When in Rome

Mickey. Hey I am back. Thanks from all our readers for holding the fort whilst I took Mrs Davie to Rome. I am back now and can categorically state that British tv is better than Italian TV. Apart from the football they only appear to have some games shows that make the ITV2 programmes look like intellectual documentaries.

Since I got back I have naturally been catching up on what I have missed

24 - brilliant. I am very excited that Little Lord Fauntelroy has now joined the show. I like this for 2 reasons. One I like his acting style. 2 It confirms that I am not losing my mind as at first I feared. I have been telling the Ginger Prince about LLF appearing for weeks and was starting to doubt myself.

The Apprentice - I would like to retract my statement about the quantum physicist woman winning. She has about as much chance as the amateur Machivellian who has already felt the sharp end of Sugar's tongue. Naomi will win. That is if she is not too busy getting frisky with the male candidates.

The Bill - DS Hunter was in which is always good. I am surprised he is only a DS - I think he is ready for promotion as he is showing a more mature attitude nowadays.

To finish I thought I would give our readers a bit of cultural chat. Rome is great and you should go. When in Rome you have to visit the Sistine chapel as it would be a shame to go all that way and not visit it. But be prepared - it is rubbish. No wonder Michelangelo took so long over it - it is too busy. He should have kept it simple. Raphael would have.

So much more to watch though.

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