Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Yes, Spooks

Davie (or Davy) is totally correct with his opinion of last night's Spooks.

I can honestly say that this series of Spooks has been the best British made drama series I have ever seen. Yes. I liked it better than Doctor Who. That's how good it was.

(I'll explain myself here. The last series of Doctor Who was magnificent in places, containing some brilliant episodes, but it also had some really crap ones - notably the ones with the Daleks in New York. This series of Spooks was consistently brilliant. There were no bad episodes. Every one was an absolute classic.)

I haven't watched earlier series, so I bought the first series on DVD tonight. I found it in Tesco for £15. I've heard it's not as good as this series, but I feel it's the least I can do considering how much enjoyment this series gave me.

The other thing I watched last night was the special feature length Battlestar Galactica episode, Razor.

I was a bit dubious when I heard about this - an all new episode, but set a few years ago - what's the point? I know none of the major cast members will die. I know that whatever happens, it won't affect anything.

And after I'd watched Spooks I was even more dubious. Nothing would reach the dramatic heights of the final scenes. I was going to be disappointed.

How wrong I was. I absolutely love Battlestar Galactica, and this episode was one of the best. Just because it's set in space it's easy to dismiss it as sci-fi rubbish, but it's so much more than that. It bears as much resemblance to Star Trek and the like as The Shield does to Jake and the Fatman.

And it had some really good scenes with old style cylons (you know like off of the old series with Face off of the A Team).

If this US writers' strike means that the final series doesn't get finished I shall never watch television again.

What I watched on television last night
  • Spooks - it was okay. Kept me entertained, I suppose.
  • Battlestar Galactica Razor. The usual scifi rubbish I normally talk about.

What I've just done there is the same joke I did here. Well done me.

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