Monday 18 June 2007

Wendy and The Wire

Regular readers will know that I have little truck with the news. Don't get me wrong - I am interested in what happens to the world and who is Prime Minister etc. I am after all a highly intelligent man. I just don't watch the news. I see no point in wasting half an hour of my day when I can read the Internet much quicker than Huw Lewis can get through his script. I do however retain a soft spot for Look North. When you watch Look North it is like watching an old friend. It is comfortable. So readers, imagine my excitement when on Thursday night I met Look North's very own Wendy Gibson. She was hosting an awards night for people who add up and do other complicated sums. People like our good friend Mickey or Mrs Davie. She was very pleased to get the chance to talk to a non-sums person like me. We got chatting but it soon became apparent she was not going to get me a part on the Bill so as soon as I had finished my champagne I left her to it. Still it was exciting to meet a TV star.

Mickey lent me the first 3 episodes of the Wire this weekend. I have watched the first episode. I like it. No dramatic ending like in 24 or the Shield, but a satisfying start. Given the choice of that or the latest drivel that Cowell is serving up on ITV, there is only one winner. I will keep readers updated as to the progress of this series. I do have high hopes but Wendy let me down so maybe the Wire will to.

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