Sunday 3 June 2007

Million dollar smile

Michael. That is right. I flashed my million dollar smile at the Channel 4 execs and hey presto they buy another series of What about Brian. Ask me to do the same to the execs at Sky one and you may get another series of Battlestar Far Trek or whatever it is called.

It is Sunday evening and I am very excited about the finale of 24. Through reading some website which I don't normally do, I have discovered that there potentially could be a face from Jack's past returning tonight. They do generally end 24 very well. Jack crying, Jack having to go off into a life being called Frank, and then the Chinese bloke getting Jack and within 3 minutes getting from the city airport to the docks, boarding a cargo ship bound for China, beating him up and getting a good 20 miles out to sea. I cannot wait to see what they do tonight. I think, and viewers of Britain's most loved blog will know my predictions recently have been poor (the Dr to win the Apprentice - what was I thinking ?), it will be Tony Almeida.

Did not watch much TV last night. It was Saturday night. However Mickey and Davie sat up with a whiskey and saw Justin Lee Collins, or JLC as Mickey calls him try and re-unite the Dallas cast. Did not really care but it was disturbing to see how wrinkly actress Susan Howard's neck looked. She played Donna Krebs for those who are interested. I imagine readers are excited and now believe Mickey and Davie live in the same house like Eric and Ernie. We do not and I can report Mickey got a taxi home at about 12.30am.

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