Tuesday 27 February 2007


Davie. Firstly, my hatred of big band is not irrational. Look at the reality here. If big band was so good, everyone would be doing it. Instead you've got that strange little lad from X Factor who looks like Gilbert Ratchet and the eighties popstar releasing a vanity project. Oh, and Westlife and the fool Williams. But apart from that no-one. When I see Iron Maiden doing a big band album you'll be able to argue your case, ("Bobby Darin was the main influence on our Number of the Beast album, and we just wanted to pay tribute to him") but until then, I shall not be swayed!

Secondly, what is this? Do I need permission from your wife before I can criticise someone? I just hope she's no fan of Eamonn Holmes because he's really going to get it in a couple of weeks.

Just finished episode three of Heroes and it's looking good. I've fallen for the hype and I'm really enjoying it. The story is a bit corny and currently it's a bit disjointed with about seven separate stories running, but each story is pretty gripping and I'll keep watching it (providing Virgin don't get in some dispute with the Sci Fi Channel of course). If I had a some sort of recommendation system sorted, e.g. a "Mickey seal of approval" or a "Mickey thumbs up", then it would get high marks. But I don't have anything like that. Why would I? I've got terrible taste in television. I watched every episode of Enterprise for pity's sake! Why should I inflict what I like on anyone else?

From Heroes on to Jericho, another American success story from 2006/07. Now Jericho is a different matter. Blimey, it was poor. I admit I can't say for certain whether it's good now, as I stopped watching it after three episodes, but what could I do?? It's all very well being subtle and slowly building up a story and background, but at least give me something! I'm a busy man. I have a lot of television to watch. If all you're going to give me (after the nuclear blasts of the first episode) is Lennie James putting some pins on a map and an unconvincing love triangle between three minor characters, then I'm sorry but I'm going to get more excitement watching the price fall on Bid Up TV.

What I watched last night
  • Masterchef Goes Large (A bloke from South Tyneside won, he was clearly the best.)
  • The Gadget Show (I fell asleep throughout the MP3 players trial - dead to the world I was!)
  • Prison Break (Where are they going with the plot? Are they just making it up as they go along?)
  • Heroes (As I say, it's up there. And it had a great ending.)
  • South Park (A new one with Richard Dawkins in it.)

I've had a lot of letters asking whether I've managed to get a replacement for my broken iron. Well, the wait is finally over! I bought a new one today. News of its powerful steam action will follow in my next entry!

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