Friday 27 April 2007

Mickey's boy

Regular readers will know that Wenesday night is Apprentice night. I cooked chilli this week and The Prince, Mrs Prince, Mrs Davie and Mickey all enjoyed some spicy meat and tortillas before settling down to watch this week's episode. The two teams had to select an artist and sell their paintings. At the beginning of the series I chose Sophie the Quantum physicist to win. She was fired by Sir Alan last week after stupidly admitting that she did not enjoy selling which was probably the worst thing she could have told the cockney barrow turned multi-millionaire. I was angry that she had done this after I had given her my support at the beginning of the series and invested a lot of time into making t-shirts and mugs with "Come on Sophie" in a contemporary design. (Not all of that sentence is true). Now both mine and the Prince's picks have gone meaning Mickey's choice has won the mini challenge. Mickey has backed Lohit who has somehow managed to spend 5 episodes without saying a word. He has appeared in all the episodes and always as looks busy but he has never actually spoken. I think Mickey took this as a sign that he must be some form of genius. Luckily as the number of candidates dwindle, Mickey's boy has to speak more and more. Well he had to utter 2 sentences this week. That was enough to make it clear that Mickey's boy will not be winning this series. And that makes me happy.

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