Thursday 10 May 2007

Good News Everybody

So, after a busy couple of days I turned on my computer this evening, and, not wanting any trouble, had a quick look at Mickey and Davie's TV Rant only to see Futurama being labelled a "laboured copy" of the Simpsons by my blogging colleague Davie. And this despite him freely admitting that he's never watched a full half hour of it.

Shame on you, Davie. Shame on you. Futurama was easily the equal to the Simpsons, and what is more, it never had a dodgy first season where the animation was rubbish and everyone's voice was different. When they cancelled it, my heart broke. (It was around about the same time as they cancelled Farscape. 2003 was a bad year for science fiction shows beginning with F. They also cancelled Firefly at the same time, but I didn't watch that as the first couple of episodes were a little dull, and I had bad indigestion so couldn't concentrate. I'll buy the DVDs at some point.)

The thing about Futurama was that it was really really good. Please. Allow me to expand.

Futurama, right? It was funny, right? And all the characters and that in it, were really good and funny and that. And the stories and situations were really good and funny. And they had an episode where they had all the original Star Trek characters in, except there was a new one called Welshie. And some git funny things happened. And they have jokes based on computers and that. It's really funny.

And despite all this, despite the funniness, the characters and that, the stories and situations, despite all of it, they cancelled Futurama.

But following the success of Family Guy or something, they're bringing it back. This makes me extremely happy. It'll be on Sky One though.

On television last night were the following things that I watched:
  • Apprentice and Apprentice You're Fired - (As usual. Wednesday night is Apprentice Night. (For those readers who are keeping a spreadsheet of where each week's Apprentice Night is being held, this time was the turn of Friend of Mickey and Davie's TV Rant, GP, to cook us all a nice bit of gnocchi.) I think Katie's throwaway comment about Northerners may cause her problems in later life, the nasty bitch.)

And for all you readers who have been wondering how my trip to Grantham went, let's just say I drank a little too much the night before the conference. I sort of covered it up well, but I had to run out at one point. Bad Mickey. Very. Bad. Mickey.

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