Wednesday 7 March 2007

John and Gregg - the new Ally and Matt ?

Mickey. Forgive my gentle prodding. I agree. It is time to put the whole Branson thing to bed. I am tired of hearing about it. You are tired of ranting about it. We are giving longevity to a matter that is frankly dead.

You do love your MGL. I watched it the other day and it was entertaining. I too like the Geordie guy. He is very passionate and I liked it when he beat the Scottish girl who clearly thought she was through. I am not sure who those judges are though? At first I thought it was Phil from Location Location Location (or triple L as I prefer to call it) and Nick Hancock. It became apparent that it was not them but they don't inspire me Mickey. I may try to be them but I cannot taste the food Mickey. And you know how I like to taste the butter.

I always like to pretend that I am on Ally's team when I watch Question of Sport. I love it when we beat Matt's team. I like Matt but he is not Ally. When Ally retires I may decide to switch to Matt's team. Especially if they bring someone like Robert Croft the former Glamorgan "spinner" in. In fact just thinking about it has got me in the weekend mood. Of course it is not on this week as Fame Academy is on. I will leave you with that thought my skinny friend.

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